Zhishan Volunteer Teacher
- 實踐期程:2019-04-04-2019-04-10
- 聯絡人:Khan Quyn
- 聯絡方式:line id : khanquyn
if wrong you can add mine and i will give her contact to you
my line ID : santososisca
- 顯示於公佈欄:是
- 公佈欄顯示截止日:2021-06-03
- 提案編碼:請聯絡提案聯絡人
In my second semester of my first year, I chose the Zhishan Volunteer Teaching program where I went to junior high school in Zhishan. This junior high school is filled with Taiwanese kids, and the teacher there is one or two teacher from other country.
I went there with a group, 5-6 NTUST students, we worked together and came up with a certain easy projects for the kids. we have this scheduled class with them to work on a art and craft things. So we prepared the material for them and let them be creative to make something like posters. Not only that, we also taught them how to appreciate other unique cultures, and also made them learn more about other culture beside taiwanese culture. We also had some fun games with them, and at the last of our volunteer day, we made a little party to celebrate it. We buy some snack and eat with them together.
1. 專業社會介入
2. 公民意識培育
3. 大學社會責任
4. 真實問題解決
5. 多元跨界創新