NTPC Project 小小網紅

  • 實踐期程:2020-11-25-2020-12-09
  • 聯絡人:黃順發
  • 聯絡方式:B10705114@mail.ntust.edu.tw
  • 顯示於公佈欄:是
  • 公佈欄顯示截止日:2021-01-30
  • 提案編碼:請聯絡提案聯絡人


This social practice really enrich my knowledge both on social skills and cultures. I was enrolled on NTPC program for 石門國小 at new taipei city。The main purpose of this program is to help the kids to be 小小網紅 which means little internet personality. on my fist visit my job was continuing what the other team had done at the previous visits. I helped the kids to prepare the script and practicing for the recording session. I must say it was very difficult and challenging for me to patiently guide and teach the kids。My second visit was the last visit of the project. Surprisingly I was so happy to meet the kids again. We helped the kids to prepare for their final presentation and videos showing. We actually did a small interview just before we played the video. It was so fun, it was like we did a small TV program.I was very sad when we finally left the school. I have learned a lot of new knowledges and skills from this social practice. I really grateful I joined this program.


Preparing and helping the kids to achieve the goal of the program to be 小小網紅。We did video editing, script preparation, teaching, etc.


1. 專業社會介入

2. 公民意識培育

3. 大學社會責任

4. 真實問題解決

5. 多元跨界創新
